local theatre feels especially important #rn given #everything because people gathering together to learn and feel seems almost radical. these specific performances were simply transcendent. cast them in everything
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Feb 7, 2025

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My whole life has been spent in and around theaters. They are my church. These days it seems like we take performers a bit for granted. But for every stream online there is a person who had the guts to get up onstage and perform in some theater somewhere. My two favorite places in Los Angeles for live performances are Largo at the Coronet and The Elysian Theater. Go to either place any night and you will very likely find something wonderful and surprising. Don’t you want that?
Feb 3, 2025
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I just saw Otherland (w. Chris Bush, dir. Ann Yee) at the Almeida Theatre and I was a WRECK afterwards. Such a powerful portrayal of the struggles of the two lead women — one navigating coming out as trans to her wife, her family, and the world, and the other with divorcing her, having her own identity crisis, and struggling with having children — and so many bold decisions made in the storytelling and staging (particularly in the second act)! I really don't want to spoil anything so all I'll say is that the set, despite being largely a plain stage, has a specific piece that will probably be one of the most memorable bits of theatre I've ever seen. If you're in London do see if you can get tickets before it ends in March, although beware as it is quite heavy at times. I managed to get a very cheap under 25 ticket but I believe these are all sold out. You could try queueing for the Free performance night which I believe opens soon!
Feb 15, 2025

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