i think every hippie iā€™ve ever met has told me to practice gratitude, that my generally fleeting motivation is catalyzed in my lack of gratitude. what does that even mean? i think, in a sudden restoration of motivation and a general decline in self-observed apathetic behavior, i found that i had been practicing gratitude and thus was relieved. this morning i thought about a susan sontag quote. ā€œstay eagerā€ thatā€™s all she said. stay eager. practice paying attention. practice being slow, being focused. practice tenderness, practice heartache, practice gratitude. practice isnt made to be perfect. the definition is ā€œthe actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories relating to it.ā€ the goal is never perfect. the goal is movement. apply gratitude. move with gratitude. move like the stars above you are having sex and consequently exploding all over everything. fuck like youā€™re eating. eat like you never learned how, like thereā€™s a real chicken in your sandwich and not just manmade proteins that rot your liver and shit and make this planet uninhabitable. move forwards, backwards- itā€™s not really even important. stagnance is the root of apathy. you need *inertia*. a still object will remain still. move wear makeup and make weird rules. i only write letters on sundays. i always put my left shoe on first. i only clip my nails when i play guitar. i only take a bath if ive done my sheets. move get up and stretch. get off instagram you stupid fuck. swear off of cussing. call someone you havent talked to in a long time. move because you have to. because you are hungry for more and feel the immense weight of the world pressuring you to eat, but, despite being famished, you have no appetite. because you miss who you used to be. because you are nostalgic for your younger self and want to bear children. because you like being alone. practice practice gratitude. practice being imperfect perfectly imperfect haha hahahhhah mhahahahahhahahah much love guys take care of your self fuck fascism šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰
Feb 7, 2025

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the modern day philosopher you are, my mylie. i write for you, and every letter i type or any character my pen may create when she touches paper is manifested to be by the one thing its creator finds this movement. itā€™s not hot nor sexy to tell you i love you through the comments of your pi post, nor is it the reaction im sure you would want me to have. but you move me, yes, your mind and her tangible thoughts and words, but your actions. you are my inertia, my motivator,
Feb 7, 2025

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iā€™m not gonna go into the state of politics in this country, frankly I enjoy that this site has been a politics free space for the most part. with that being said, resigning to despair and the feeling of powerlessness serves only the status quo. inaction is not the solution, nor is waiting for the government to be what you want it to be. politics over: hereā€™s the rec be the change you want to see as much of a cliche as this saying is, iā€™ve grown to believe in it with my full being as iā€™ve gotten older. for the things you have control over, for the practical needs that you can meet within your community, for the little things you can do every day to ease someoneā€™s burden or generally be a pleasant interaction in someoneā€™s life: bring to the world what you feel it lacks. where you live there are likely already communities that are arising to support each other and call for change. seek those out if thatā€™s a motivating notion for you. participate as much as you are able and as little as you please, every bit counts. being a visible and tangible example of how the agency we all have can create something better will motivate others to find their voice. a lot of people feel like you, but even a few in action is better than multitudes in despair. community is so key, and the world we live in has created a situation where isolation is the default so that individuals are forced to rely on the market or the state to meet their needs. how much better would it be to have neighbors and friends as a support network, mutually exchanging their time and resources to strengthen the communtiy and invest in relationships that benefit the whole. the moment we all realize that we can do for each other what the world tells us we need to do ourselves, the stronger we will be and the more we can come together and enact real change from the bottom up, rather than being divided in pleading for a top down approach. this may sound revolutionary because we have become so detached from community that we cannot envision the changes in our model of living that would have to be made, but itā€™s sooo not that deep, and it feels more like investing in the good in others than sacrificing personal comforts. it can look like: - shopping at a local business vs a corporate chain, get to know the staff, get to know your fellow patrons - spending time with friends, there doesn't need to be a reason or occasion. make meals together, drive together to go do something, maybe literally just be in each others presence as you do daily life, share each others sacred presence amidst the mundane - give things you donā€™t need to a friend who does, exchange clothes, exchange favors, share knowledge and resources, lend a skill or a craft, donate things if you donā€™t know someone who can use it, exchange things and experiences without the need for monetary incentive - create things together, make art together, share and exchange media, try things for the joy of experiencing them without the need to be ā€œgoodā€ at it, - grieve together, worry together, talk out negative feelings, commiserate, support, encourage, motivate, share your accomplishments, celebrate together - get to know your neighbors, why is everyone in isolation while in such proximity? - get off that damn phone if it makes you feel bad, you wont miss out, the world happens outside of it, unlearn FOMO - enjoy nature, go on walks, get outside, sweat and run and jump and see the sky - remind yourself that life is about what happens right now, donā€™t be concerned with what could be or what was if you are unable to affect it in the present. - go to a concert at a small venue for an artist youā€™ve never heard of, bring friends, donā€™t preclude experience for the perceived necessity of entertainment - unlearn grindset, but also unlearn bainrot. donā€™t fester in your down time. rest can be active, activity can be restorative. your time is precious and you will meet your need for purpose and direction by literally choosing to pursue a ā€œmeaninglessā€ hobby in even what little time you may have vs scrolling and taking psychic damage. - learn to enjoy the abundance of freely available joy in this world, we have been tricked to believe that money is the sole provider of a happy life idk iā€™m just becoming mindful of what brings me life in this world and so much of it is available to me solely by seeking it out instead of idleness in my free time under the guise of ā€œrest.ā€ so much if it comes from seeing the divine in others and creating bonds and relationships and support networks. so much of it comes from enjoying beauty and art, and moderating and savoring that experience vs endless consumption and media gluttony. the world through a screen is bleak, the world in front of your eyes can be beautiful, the system is broken but you and everyone you know has some untapped agency. anyway imma get off my soapbox, go catch a firefly or sit around a campfire with the homies. youā€™ll be glad you did.
Jun 29, 2024
Iā€˜ve really noticed myself struggling with confidence and making bold decisions. Showing up and taking up space. Zooming out has helped but what REALLY works for me is remembering that death and aging is a reality we will all face. There may or may not be life again after this. What harm would I do in this moment being my authentic self? Acting out on courage? Being bold and changing often? Will I turn 80 and realize how much I missed it all? And beyond the existentialism, how can I hold gratitude in the present moment? When dreading a walk; reminding myself that one day as Iā€™m older a simple walk can become impossible. Even tomorrow, my entire life could change and I lose that simple privilege. (knock on wood). Even when youā€™re struggling financially/broke; how can you still bet on yourself and chase what you want? I think maybe just going after it no matter what? Idk. I know this is simple but just a reminder!!! OUR LIVES ARE LEAVING US EVERY DAY. WE MUST ACT NOW & FAST! THERE IS AN URGENCY IN LIVING YOUR LIFE.
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going through some similar motions and this measely tiktok comment unironically did like +1000 healing to my psyche. really, the key is to remember you can only do so much at once. overexerting yourself will make you too tired to consume the fruits of your labor. they will rot and/or you will not enjoy them this way. find happiness in the little, fleeting moments youā€™re able to foster for yourself and bite off only what you can chew. besides, you want to make sure not to do things in haste. you want a solid foundation for future you and your contentment and donā€™t want to find any cracks in it later down the lineā€¦
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i am in love with my daughter who has not been born. i am obsessed with her despite the fact that she still lives inside my body and likely will for the next 10 years. i am eating an orange peel. i am consuming the bitterness i have born to prepare for sweetness where is all the sweetness at? does anybody want to share?
Feb 19, 2025
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nervous like a dog i lower my head as i come to greet you. i can only actualize through your likeness, through your touch. love me, mother earth, with the gentle hand you give offer your children. love me, please, somebody love me.Ā  nervous, kind of like a dog, i kiss your face. iā€™ve never been nervous around anyone before, i just was always kind of just nervous around myself. but you but you thatā€™s what i always say: but you, my favorite exception but you make me nervous. i donā€™t think itā€™s in a bad way, but rather in a natural way, like a human has ought to be nervous like a dog, cautious and slow, hesitant, but still excited to love, in order to survive. wound up but relaxed. scared but safe. anxious to give. i think that this is the right way to be. to be nervous, to be strung tight, but also to feel electric, to feel in the nerves. kiss my shoulder and i jolt, my back and i squirm, my, well my anything really, and i will lose focus. my electrochemistry, my feel of my own body, my understanding of who i am on a chemical level, is conducted by the girl i am in love with. bring me to life. please, oh please, let me live. breathe into me the words of old lovers and the grins of new faces. let me become divine through your touch. let me become.Ā  to become a lover is to become something outside of yourself. i love vinyl and the soil, and so i will take this love inside of me from the outside world. i love stand up comedy, and so often i will tell a joke like people are watching. to love, and to internalize that love, is to be otherly: to become a mosaic. my body is almagate of record players and alligators and shitty punky bands and ottessa moshfegh novels and that is who i am.Ā  to love is to be.Ā  and i am scared i will never become you. not that i want to be you, but that i want to be like it is nothing but natural to want to become like what you desire, to find her in yourself and suddenly become relieved to be the girl you are, and yet, nervous, like a dog, i greet your towering presence, scared i am not like enough, but beaming with the joy of being loved by the only individual.Ā 
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