ps: as a fellow midwestern, who has lived in london, if you're looking for good mexican food, go to sonora taqueria. also, highly recommend signing up to for weekly & monthly popups around the city
10/10 italian ice & soft serve on the jersey shore (belmar) if you’re up for the trip in the summer :)
the italian ice is literally soft like soft serve, it’s delicious
One of the best ice cream stores in Milan!! Located in what I would like to call the Diana-district (idk maybe it is actually the name of the neighbourhood). Anyway its in Porta Venezia just a little to the left. My litmus test for how good an ice cream store is is how unique their flavours are (or if they have any at all). This place has a flavour called Diana so I think it reasonably passes. (In any case a flavour that I believe is inspired by princess Diana is kunt.)
i miss having seeing a friend on campus and running small errands with them. as you get older these things become less of a thing, but when it happens, it’s glorious.