I like to pretend Iā€™m a learned citizen who only enjoys quality literary fiction, but many times a book a few steps down from that is what I really enjoy. I stay focused on an easier book because thereā€™s more plot and the pages go faster. You might practice meditation, too. It will train you to notice when your mind wanders and help you get it back on track
Feb 9, 2025

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hey jeyello, iā€™d recommend starting with easy, fast reads. page turners like mysteries work best for me for getting back into it. itā€™s a muscle, the more you read the more you get into the habit of reading, no matter what book it is. once u get into the habit of it again u can move on to harder and ā€smarterā€ books. hope this helps :)
not an avid reader (~3-4 books / year, trying to get that number up) but the things that have really invigorated my reading when it feels like a chore to get started: - reading books that arenā€™t challenging to start off. all about love and the will to change by bell hooks were the first books i was able to successfully finish in like, years bc her writing style is very colloquial despite the subject matter being very dense. similarly, finding a fun fantasy book (or other genre fiction) to get back in the practice of turning pages and ā€œwanting to find out what comes nextā€ is gonna be paramount to being able to do that for books that are gonna require a little more give from you down the line (havenā€™t read a physical book in over six months so personally going to start legends and lattes soon to try and trick my brain into not thinking books are time-consuming and scary) - audiobooks; for me at least reading requires too much visual processing + ā€œsitting stillā€ time that i canā€™t multi-task and read, so i have to schedule when iā€™m gonna try and do it (unlike tv where you can have it on in the background as you do dishes or working from home or something and can look up periodically) - taking a chunk of podcast + music time and replacing it with audiobooks has been a game changer bc i now read at the gym, at the office, and in transit <30 min long bc i have to track what station iā€™m at or see where iā€™m going
Mar 28, 2024
Iā€™ve always been a sporadic reader. Iā€™ve tried to improve that lately and something that has helped is just carrying a book/e-reader everywhere. Iā€™m not always nose-in-book, but it has helped bit by bit.
Apr 17, 2024

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