find ways to reward yourself that work for you! get invested in whether or not you earn your reward as a layer of the plot. grab a yummy drink after you finish your week of classes, make a pact with a friend to go to your classes together, find something silly to get invested in keeping tabs on during your class so it’s your journalistic duty to go. you have to. whatever it is. if you can’t make the class fun make it fun to incorporate into your week <3 not v novel or innovative advice but hope it’s maybe helpful? i believe in you
Feb 9, 2025

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this is honestly godsend - i'll be coming back to this regularly for motivation. thank you for believing in me 😄🙏
Feb 9, 2025

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adhd architecture students rise! realising i need to lure myself into getting out of bed and working with a treat. the idgaf stage of a 3 year burnout is crazy
Mar 13, 2024
1) Make plans: a lot of language schools, embassies and universities offer free entry events. So figure out what you're interested in. If you enjoy film and tv, French language schools often have screenings. If you like cooking, East Asian embassies often do demos. If you like history, universities often offer seminars. Make plans and do them. If you wake up on the day of and don't want to go, that is a sign that you absolutely need to. Go out, try something or learn something, stay for the refreshments and talk to people, and don't put any pressure on yourself to perform in any way, just be in the moment and connect with your interests and people. 2) Eat robust meals: you need to eat. As someone who has been the person who chugs an energy drink down, or has a coffee with an apple, it is not enough. Your mind needs sustenance otherwise you tire quickly and it feels like your brain is leaking out of your ear. But when you eat properly and you have a lot of protein, starch, veg etc in your meals, you feel the difference. So get your favourite cup and plate and put a filling meal on it. 3) Commit to a new hobby. It can be anything. The reason you need to commit is to get into the discipline of needing to get out of bed to do it. Painting, walking, making music etc. Commit to learning or doing something that requires that you get out of bed, and that requires some level of focus. Bonus: look at your phone usage and if there are apps that you use too much, delete them off of your phone and only use them on desktop/laptop.
Oct 1, 2024
the work-eat-scroll-sleep-repeat pattern had me in a chokehold for ~3 years after I graduated from college, realized that a large part of the reason I struggled to break the cycle was because I’d want to “rest” after work but eventually do something enriching in the evenings, but didn’t actually have an idea of what I wanted to do so the lift to get off [app] was less willpower and more decision paralysis; the friction of figuring out what to do was what was keeping me in the cycle ~90% of the time. what has worked for me: 1. going outside immediately after work (especially if working from home) to run an errand or go to a book or record or coffee shop 2. keeping a list of projects i want to / am currently working on or skills i want to develop and making progress on those 3. reading a book 4. (most effective) taking a class (writing, pottery, filmmaking for me) and either going to the sessions or doing the assignments but also sometimes you literally just wanna rot and that’s cool too! ———————————————— i tried a couple different ways to structure my time: 1. daily timeblocking (3*/10): setting 5-6 to wind down; 6-7 for dinner; 7-9 for enrichment; etc… didn’t work at all for me. too structured. 2. theming days: (5*/10): mondays are for reading; tuesdays writing; etc… worked slightly better but sometimes you wanna do a different thing than the theme, introduces decision paralysis of whether to power through to build routine or to follow your instincts and have max fun 3. big list: (7*/10): here are all my projects (and subtasks) or hobbies or chores or errands i want to do; i give them a number score of how urgently i want to do them, then do the one i want to do most thats higher priority. bonus points if at the start of the week or month, you put some activities on a calendar for specific days even randomly to just have a schedule when you don’t have something you’re particularly called to do so that’s your default activity and not scrolling. works the best*! (*for me)
Jan 16, 2025

Top Recs from @sleeperhit

it’s beyond worth the effort. it feels so good to love people well :)
Mar 3, 2025
i think it’s so sweet. whatever sway i do or don’t have over the fates i’m offering it to you!
Mar 5, 2025
maybe it’s just that i’m young enough that the novelty hasn’t worn off yet but i love becoming more of an adult every year. as a teenager i was so terrified of not being one anymore but i love being in my twenties so far. so much of it is hard and uncomfortable and there’s so much uncertainty and still! i wouldn’t go back ever ever ever. i have more perspective to weather the uncertainty better, i’m so much less insecure and preoccupied with how i come off to other people, and if i want to change my behavior or my life i have so much more freedom to do it! and i’ll only get more conscious and more interesting as i get older! how fucking cool. also as someone who really had to grow into my features it’s a nice bonus that i’ll probably get hotter and have better skin as i get older.
Feb 13, 2025