Been playing duels after finally caving and purchasing a subscription which I've been very reluctant to do cause I was playing it when it was totally free.
But it's even more fun to play without learning intricate road marking or sign details, just going from flags, language interpretation and geography knowledge is soooo validating. Even more brilliant when you get somewhere you've actually been or know where it is before.
Has kind of triggered a previously unrealised interest in sociolinguistics in me cause I've always loved languages and I can tell a lot of them apart I feel like but I also cannot speak any fluently except from English. But I want to change that and also learn more sociolinguistic history etc.
Anyway im currently on a ~90% win rate but in a lower division cause I'm just starting out but its fun as hell and I'm already learning much more stuff (i.e. the street signs in Warsaw also have the same format in Łódz! Who knew? I didn't !)