Of all of the Flamin Hot branded snacks, it’s the one with the most red dust. Red 40 is really bad for you I guess so don’t go too crazy. I’ve limited myself to 1 bag a week.
I actually like the regular Corn Chips version even more— they’re like really good Fritos (already good). These HOT ones are a nice change though, they are pretty spicy for a chip but don’t taste as cancerous as a Takis
Every single time you have an idea that you think is worth thinking about again, write it down. You will forget it. If you write it down, it’s much harder to forget it. Simple as that.
The pedestrian dance. Everyone has done it. You go right, they go the same way so you quickly shimmy left but so do they. Now you’re stuck. Someone has to commit. Just pick which way you’re going and commit to that.