i heart mitski etc a LOT but this isn’t sad music in that sense. everyone knows the less i know the better but the album as a whole is really great. currents is a about the ups and downs of the breakup and moving on process, kind of in a chronological order (and with neo-psychedelia sound instead of sad indie. i’ve found that sometimes a mix up in breakup music can be nice) if you haven’t done so before def listen to it in one sitting and in order with headphones on (or on vinyl!)
Feb 10, 2025

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this album has gotten me through so much i can’t even put it into words. genuinely every time im in a crisis i listen to it and by the end of it i have an answer to my situation. it’s just perfect. shoutout to B sides too!
Feb 11, 2025
hana_u imo his best album !!
Feb 12, 2025
List of People (To Try and Forget About) is one of my go to sad songs. It’s ceremonious to me!!
Feb 11, 2025
weird ceremonious is the word hell yea!!
Feb 11, 2025
omg i love currents, i definitely will listen to it fully!! thank you!
Feb 10, 2025
kkelmyss yess enjoy! i used to love some of the songs but the experience of listening to it in order is on a different level it’s really cool
Feb 12, 2025

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