It’s hard to fully appreciate the impact algorithmic feeds have on deciding and reinforcing what is desirable. Algorithms collect your data, put you into groups with similar people, and predict what to recommend based on what other people who enjoy similar things and are part of similar demographics have responded well to. Social media apps often expertly track users’ responses to the content they’re shown.
Consider what it means for you to like things, where those tastes come from, why you like them, etc. There’s nothing wrong with being basic because few are meant to be connoisseurs, even if it may feel like it in a digital world dominated by aesthetics. But if you have specific well-developed taste and a trained eye, you can usually articulate explanations for what draws you to these things and the influences and life experiences that have led you there. If you can’t it can be helpful to reflect on it! This is a normal first step for anyone with a serious interest in arts and culture of any kind.