People are so different and diverse. And what is cultured and tapped in to one group is going to be irrelevant to another. You'll be the most happy and free if you are able to resist all of those pressures toward grouplike and alignment. The pressures will be lifelong, though often with a different flavor than right now. Although the safe thing is to get into that rudderless ship of alikeness with everyone else, the better thing is to love what you love, no apologies, with joy and passion. After a time, they'll come to you.
Feb 11, 2025

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My favorite thing in getting to know new people is finding out the things they enjoy that seem a bit out of character. I think it’s comforting and a bit sexy when not everything that they like has to be “cool” for them to really enjoy it. Being self-assured and knowing your worth is hot. After all, life is too short to try and shape yourself around a mould that doesn’t truly resonate with you. Just enjoy the things that bring you joy without caring if they are basic or lame to others. you can enjoy the band that everyone hates, enjoy the movies that people think are overrated, and wear the shirt that went out of style 5 years ago. true authenticity is a rare trait, always has been. It’s like striking gold when you find that inner peace to just be yourself, regardless of how cringy others find it. Find the peace to like what you like without shame.
Feb 20, 2025
it is so freeing to realize that people liking the same things as me/ being similar to me isn’t a threat and doesn‘t take away from my uniqueness as an individual. connecting with others over shared interests is such a beautiful and necessary part of life. if everyone had the same mindset that I used to have we would all just be super lonely!
Feb 2, 2024
i think now more than ever, we live in a society where it is normalized to judge others for not following the “trends” or “socially acceptable” things, which has become a big problem for the coming generations. i think people should be their unique, authentic, selves and shouldn’t be afraid of such, because who actually cares ? i mean, yeah, people will probably judge you for it and say rude things, but people will do that anyways, so why not have them say it about something YOU know you love. as long as you know that you like it, then it shouldn’t matter what that one girl thinks about it, because at the end of the day, it’s just someone’s opinion, not an actual truth. if you wanna dress all funky and different, do it !! and do so with confidence .
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