Beautiful and whimsical and very reminiscent of bossa nova. Floaty ethereal vocals and quick flowing beats. A great “cleaning my apartment“ record (or going for a walk, or reading a book, or painting my nails, etc)
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Feb 11, 2025

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A friend showed me this album 10 years ago and I don't think I’ve had a bout of depression since that I haven't walked around and listened to it in its entirety. But it kind of morphs depending on your mood. It also is a beautiful album for a summer drive. This is like mazzy star bossa nova. For years I thought it was considered a classic orchestral pop album on par with Pet Sounds or What's Going On or any other late 60s album with an emphasis on arrangement, but there's not much info about it online. On Reddit it’s just a couple people talking about how they like the album cover but don’t care for the album. Anyways, I definitely will be adding a few of these songs to my funeral playlist. But don’t wait until I’m dead.
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Great lush Beach Boys album. There's a really cute minimalism to the whole thing, it's just so warm and calm ☀️
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if you want a sadder but gentle comforting low energy nostalgic feel > dragonchaser beautifully dark and dramatic acoustic album 2 dance to > forma norte II high energy fun and lively album that makes u feel literally reborn > freetown sound soft gentle album, feels like a light rainfall, super light and easy on the ears > grade pending also this by the same artist same vibe as the one above but slightly angstier > feet of mud
Mar 17, 2024

Top Recs from @lottydotty

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Something about resilience. Or being dead inside but still here. Something someone has already said. I saw these little brown flowers on my walk. They’re probably weeds and maybe that’s why they’re so good at staying where they don’t seem to belong. That’s how I feel living in my hometown right now. Like an invasive species, thousands of miles away from where I was meant to be, brought here only by some cruel fate designed to make me feel misunderstood and useless. Maybe I can dig me out and take me to where I’m native. I used to think you could only feel native to a place if you lived there your whole life. But some things sit somewhere from the beginning to the end, and are still not native. Native to me now means something different. I think you belong somewhere where you don’t just merely survive, but where you flourish. Maybe. But for a while, if you have to be a little dull and surrounded by snow, stay close to the sidewalks. Someone will see you and stop and know the strange feeling of kinship shared not with another human, but with another life.
Feb 11, 2025