life is so much more fun if you just let it be!!! there‘s so much whimsy and delight in the world for those with eyes to see. i still laugh at a well executed poop joke okay you’re not cool for being the last person to crack a smile. lower that damn brow and laugh!!!!
laugh out loud when you find something funny, don't deprive yourself of the LOL. When I laugh at random times my friends just say 'oh, don't mind her she's just open laughing', you can open laugh too, it's fun, you'll feel better.
You don’t always have to be serious. Not everything has to be some high brow, thought out concept of a joke. Sometimes someone accidentally tripping and falling is hilarious. A person farted on accident, it’s fine, let it out.
maybe it’s just that i’m young enough that the novelty hasn’t worn off yet but i love becoming more of an adult every year.
as a teenager i was so terrified of not being one anymore but i love being in my twenties so far. so much of it is hard and uncomfortable and there’s so much uncertainty and still! i wouldn’t go back ever ever ever. i have more perspective to weather the uncertainty better, i’m so much less insecure and preoccupied with how i come off to other people, and if i want to change my behavior or my life i have so much more freedom to do it! and i’ll only get more conscious and more interesting as i get older! how fucking cool.
also as someone who really had to grow into my features it’s a nice bonus that i’ll probably get hotter and have better skin as i get older.