i'm obsessed with how quiet and meditative it is while still appreciating the tender moments of life. a bop
Feb 12, 2025

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this movie is so beautiful to watch if you like architecture. it's encapsulates what friendship means to build despite circumstances and the cinematography is really beautiful, again if like architecture. The movie is shot in Columbus, Indiana which has a huge cultural significance to modern architecture so it's cool to see those buildings highlighted when people don't think of Indiana as an architectural hub.
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lee pace broken in body & heart telling a story both to & with a radiant little girl with a broken arm is in turns striking in its imagination & scope & sheer beauty , & devastating in how his deep sadness seeps into the gorgeous fantasy he‘a creating for them both . tarsem takes a childlike emotional truth & pairs it with some of the most stunning imagery i’ve ever seen in a film (& all shot on [24] locations) there’s truly nothing else like it even 18 years later . if you can , try to catch one of the showings of the new mubi 4k restoration that’s still making its way through repertory/art focused theatres . as an aside the costumes are also absolutely incredible thanks to the genius of eiko ishioka second rec is columbus which i’ve talked about before but i think is under seen . quietly beautiful & thoughtfully crafted gem of a movie that encourages you to take care & contemplation in the way you view your surroundings , your relationships with others , & yourself . as a bonus you may find john cho incredibly charismatic & hot in a sad way in this which i enjoy in a movie but your mileage may vary
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