This is a good way to get a little lost in the world. I play soccer but you can drive to a park and try to join anyone playing a game. no social expectations all physical activation type thing.
i love my $70 martini + fries night as much as the next bitch, but i wanna play game with i host activities with and want you to come try to beat me at pool / paintball / soccer / poker / debate / et. al
Whatever it is, walk by and join. Got fouled so hard by my ukrainian friends/ their nephews I almost rethought my geopolitical opinions./s
chat, embarrass yourself playing sports in public🫶
i played family feud with a bunch of ppl i dont know and it was fun. it was scary at first, i didnt know if they would like me, or if id like them, but everyone was very nice and funny. thank you
I’m not going to turn on a light until like 8pm. it helps if you have good window placement but artificial light during the day is a terrible thing. it’s ok if it’s a little dark too.
It’s one of the greatest archival platforms in existence. Everyone should take advantage of that. Just upload some videos of whatever and keep it on the low - diary style.