was born in the US but lived in London for 11 years then lived in the US from age 14-18 so my accent is very discombobulating to some people - I sounded completely British before I moved back to the US but it somehow changed a lot during 4 years - also I don't speak English at home so I have no consistent opinions on things like courgette/zucchini and aubergine/eggplant - anyway I seem to really throw people off with the way that I speak sometimes people assume I'm Canadian because I sound British and American?? I like to people guessing though - I feel like it makes me mysterious...
Feb 12, 2025

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what language do you speak at home?
Feb 12, 2025
bisonspider swedish!
Feb 13, 2025
I moved to America at age 7 and for some reason when I speak my native language it has a French infliction - people think I’m French when i visit my country??? Ive never been to Europe! I 💗 cultural ambiguity
Feb 12, 2025
I’ve once heard online a brit who went to the US and they had an interesting accent, hard to describing it. Accents are funny, like there’s a New Yorker I know but none of us thought she was American at first because her accent isn’t the type of accent we’d usually associate with the US in the UK, it’s a lot softer.
Feb 12, 2025
One of my dearest friends is from California but moved to the UK when she was a teen and went to school in Cambridge and her accent is the cuuuutest mix of the two ❤️
Feb 12, 2025

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I don't even really mean this in the sense that some accents may be harder to understand when speaking English, but in the sense that my accent has always been out of place. I'm an Asian-Australian in the sense that I was born to a 100% Filipino family who moved to Australia when I was very young from England, and obtained citizenship. I have lived a majority of my life here in Brisbane, and I would sooner call it home before Bacolod City or (god forbid) Birmingham. I have never, ever, ever had an Aussie accent. For as long as I've known, my accent has been the thickest "general American" accent ever. Only somewhat recently I learned I have the "International School Accent", which is a vaguely American sounding accent apparently picked up by students studying at international schools, something I never did. I think the leading theory is that while I maintain some Australian pronunciations ("Aussie", "Australia", "mum", etc.) due to being around Aussies my whole life, I mostly speak "American" due to the strong amount of American media I was watching when I was still learning English (and as a consequence forgetting Tagalog sadly). Kinda cool! To this day people will ask me "Are you a Yank?". I'm just happy to have such a common conversation starter.
Jan 15, 2025
american perspective: i think the coastal surfing vibes in some parts of the country remind me of cali, but the rural outback parts remind me more of the american south. the accent feels to me like someone took an English accent and "twang-ed" it, so that also reminds me of the american south. also my brain divides australian accents into the only reference points i have for them: the milder/subtler Mike's Mic/Troye Sivan accent, the "NAUUUR CLEO" H20: Just Add Water accent, & the really stereotypical, flattened vowels-sounding accent in nature documentaries that's like "HERE WE SEE THE WALLABY IN ITS NATURAL HABITAT." i wish i knew what the actual regional differences were with those accents/why they sound so different from each other, but the U.S. is divided into a bunch of regional accents too, so ig it's similar. also lots of ppl refer to Florida as the Australia of america, since FL has some crazy wildlife as well.
Feb 8, 2024
every single American I've told where I live (Switzerland), without fail, have asked me if I live in Sweden, or if I speak Swedish, or they just straight up don't think its a real country??
May 1, 2024

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