I am the opposite of a morning person. For the 15 minutes between my alarm going off and rising from my tomb, no task feels greater than getting myself out of the house and into the pre-dawn darkness. But once I’m out in the world and see the pale pinky hues start to take over the sky there’s a great moral satisfaction in becoming a functioning member of society before the sun does.
Feb 12, 2025

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It gives me a feeling of moral superiority
Jan 31, 2024
i love the feeling of getting up and having a productive morning, even if just that productivity is getting up, getting dressed, and going for a nice lil walk. my job forcibly turned me into a morning person but i’m enjoying it!
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i’ve always been someone who has stayed up late at night, trying to make up for all of the time i lost in the day to school, work, etc. but i’ve been waking up around 7 am for the past couple weeks and … i get it now. i never understood morning people but i’m finally starting to see the appeal. there’s something so beautiful about being awake while everything else is so still :)
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my hunger for female approval and general vanity has prevented me from going down this route, but the appeal of being a perfect mysterious stranger does call to me occasionally. Kudos to all you anons
In my internal monologue I instinctively refer to myself as We instead of Me, most often when I’m planning out my day or creating mental to-do lists. e.g. “We’re out of eggs, gotta add that to the grocery list”, “ We’re going to get out of work at 11 and then meet So-and-so and do such-and-such” I obviously do not do this out loud in conversation, but in my head I often default to We instead of Me. (I hope this is not foreshadowing a future schizophrenia)