I have 5 pairs of everyday shoes— black open-toed heels, tan suede open-toed heels, black close-toed heels, tan close-toed heels, and one tall pair of suede boots. I tend to buy leather or suede with good soles, and keep only one pair of shoes by my door.
I have 5 other pairs of more specific shoes— one pair of leather sandals, one walking sneaker, one pair of rain boots, one pair of hiking shoes, and trainers.
I have friends who have a lot more variety in their shoes and their closets, and friends who keep only 5 total— most of my shoes I’ve had for several years, and I try to keep it to what I have room for.
I don’t think this is a hard and fast rule, but I tend to avoid “going out” shoes that only work with one outfit.