watched goodbye dragon inn (which was great) but this song stuck to me and now i kind of remember this one specific phase of my life by it but its like a thing i keep private to just me. Anyways the point of this post is i love this song.
the first time i heard this song was on a cruise ship in the kids daycare program and it had a special room with a digital jukebox and the russian counselor really loved this song as well as nine in the afternoon by panic at the disco
anyways i am so tired and burnt out and theres probably so much silica dust in every crevice of my being right now (ceramics student) i need to go home and shower and zonk out!!!
i can never get over this song, I listen to it on repeat during my evening bike rides to the river to sit and listen to the birds. something about it makes me feel so seen, yet so nostalgic. enjoy this special part of me (for the moment-warahenege)
first day on pifyi and all i am seeing is banana discourse .…. maybe there’s a conspiracy that minions are running this app… maybe even the government. maybe at least some influence up there