need to jot this down while itā€™s freshā€¦ it felt like I was in gta, Danny Devito was there and got a little to wasted, he started getting really angry and throwing bottles at me, when I tried to get him I pulled out my glock and ran through some of the broken glass injuring my feet during the pursuit. He tried to escape via train but I shot a well placed cap in his ass and he got sent to the loony bin. The crazy part was after I woke up, I was scared to walk around cause it felt like I had tons of cuts in my feet. likeā€¦wtf first dream in a while that I remember plus Danny was painted and dressed up as dracula
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Feb 13, 2025

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I am back in Chicago.Ā  I am walking down a path that looks like itā€™s the bike trail at white rock lake; the foliage is very Dallasesque. I get the desire to run home (itā€™s the day currently) and I begin to run. As I run it gets dark very quickly and the road gets wider and I get scared. I look behind me and thereā€™s a car driving but itā€™s just a guy in a small Forrest management truck and he looks at me a bit confused like ā€œwhatā€™s he running for?ā€ The truck is reminiscent of the arboretum ones in DTX. Also as the road expanded things started to look like cape cod in terms of foliage. I then see what I think are my cross-streets and I calm down and think Iā€™m almost home.Ā  Flash to inside a Dairy Queen, itā€™s chaotic in there people are screaming and it feels like a doctors office. I get scared very quickly and start frantically looking for ways out. Peopleā€™s faces start to contort and employees seem to do nothing. I run on top of tables and other things in an effort to escape- the contorting faces become more clear. One is an infant with black sludge and caked blood on her face screaming so so loud and then her face twists into an old womanā€™s with lipstick smeared on her face and sheā€™s screaming too. Iā€™m crying at this point. I jump up to another level and employees are just sitting around doing nothing, a line cook puts out family meal and itā€™s quesadillas. I look out the window and realize Iā€™m not even at my cross streets, Iā€™m on seminary.Ā  I then start sprinting through a hall that turns into an apartment. I jump out the window in an effort to escape and break through the glass and fall into a playground. The dream zooms out to an external narration of the red scare subreddit they say things like ā€œthis is the craziest part, he think he got away but he left one of his flip flops there and they mention that this is the apartment complex thatā€™s had break ins latelyā€. While this is happening some guy with long hair is blowing leaves and Iā€™m watching him as I lie on the grass hoping he doesnā€™t notice. Once he walks far enough away I think Iā€™m good to go, and then wait a little longer because better safe than sorry. Things then shift back to normal narration and I run home without realizing my sandal is still the playground. It turns out my street was just across the way and in the dream state I get home without incident and also without seeing that itā€™s me going home.Ā  The dream ends with this red, blue, and yellow flip flop staying on the playground and moving a bit on its own as kids come out to play.Ā 
So a few months ago, probably a few weeks before I went back home for Christmas, I had this random dream about my hometown. I showed up to this cookout and as Iā€™m walking around Iā€™m running into all my exes from my hometown. They all tell me one by one that we need to talk. My cousin tells me I have to get outta there and we plan an escape. I leave and walk down the block, trying to catch a bus back to my moms when I run into a guy I had beef with from way back when. I donā€™t think he notices me but I get nervous because when I go back I try to avoid people as much a possible. Then it just suddenly turns to night and Iā€™m walk as fast as I can. Not to catch the bus but I just feel the need to speedwalk. I was extremely anxious and paranoid before I left my hometown and this dream put me back in that mindset. It sucked man.
Jul 16, 2024
had this dream a few days ago and i can't stop thinking about it. i was at this very hippie, psychedelic inspired festival but my mom and some other family member were with me also. we are about to leave when i see this huge building overgrown with moss and vines. it looks like a mayan building, not the usual pyramidal temple like thing but more like the inside of a palace that had the height of about 3 two-storey houses. i walk closer and closer and see the arc of an entrance that i just know is off limits to the public, perhaps because it leads to their sacred city. a shaman appears from the entrance, makes his way to the open space where lots of peolpe are gathered now as if we were in a theatre. now the lights are all on the 'stage' shining on him as he starts dancing and doing tricks. he has a bunch of different knives, necklaces and artifacts i can't identify and the show feels magical. however, suddenly a man sneaks up to where the shaman has intricately placed his 'props' and takes them one by one. i am watching in utter disbelief about how disrespectful this is but somehow i have this insight that the robber man has been drugged with something that is making him act completely out of character. the shaman of course notices what he's doing and asks him to leave and give his things back multiple times in the calmest voice. this is until about the 4th time when the guy is finally escorted out of the place by some club bouncers. because of the time trying to get him off the stage took up, the shaman's show had to end early to get back on schedule for whoever is performing next. i notice i am now sitting at a table, farther from the stage with some of my family, with my mom's best friend on my left side and her husband on my right. the next show starts and it's a hungarian band singing one of the most popular songs in hungary (unfortunately i can not remember which one they played) but it was interrupted by the drugged man who now appears to be on a stretcher, tied down, he's foaming at the mouth, lips swollen to thrice their original size and his eyes look like he had been crying for hours or as if he was having a serious allergic reaction. i redirect my attention to the menu/table we're sitting at and my legs feel really cold so i ask dora (mom's friend) if she can give me some of the blanket her and the other people are covering their legs with. the blanket is not long enough so she covers only my left leg and her husband my right with the blanket the other side of the table had too lol dora then starts apologising for not bringing me any presents, even though she knew i would be here. i ask my mom if there are any news about my childhood best friend (the neighbour that my parents still live beside) and one of my old classmates from primary school because i dreamt of them 2 days before i was in this dream (i remembered the dream i had while dreaming???!!!). but she says no nothing new except old classmate now has an online brownie store (website is xyzbrownie.data) and sells little cereal shape brownies of all kinds of flavours. the waiter comes and it's my best friend from hungary and she asks me if we're ready to order but my mom's ex-friend cuts me off and asks for a cappuccino. abruptly i awaken
Jul 17, 2024

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