Jump into your hobbies and passions!! And who gives a shit if you’re bad at them!! Let yourself be perceived, let yourself be bad, and let you be seen trying, because at the end of the day it is YOU and YOUR WORK, and YOU will be the one living with the regret of never having done anything at all.
Feb 14, 2025

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i’m such an advocate for regular ass people doing art. or anything new that “requires skill” really we are so scared of doing things because we’re not any good at them. so what. karaoke with the confidence of a popstar even if your voice cracks and you don’t know breath support. paint even if it looks like a toddler made it. play the same three guitar chords and paint your furniture with a kitchen sponge and try to bake macarons. it’s so sad that people who aren’t, like, professionally skilled, get laughed at for their art. or like i said, trying any skill that isn’t honed yet there’s something so important and human in the arts, its such an amazing outlet but people refuse to tap into it because they “can’t draw a stick figure” or “write too cliche” or “have two left feet”. DO IT POORLY!!!!! DO IT SCARED!!!!! DO THE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO DEEP DOWN IN YOUR SOUL EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU’RE BAD AND FEEL EMBARASSED!!!!! let yourself have fun with things!!!!!!!! it shouldn’t be a competition all the time. you probably are not ariana grande, but you’re allowed to have fun singing and stuff too. if you have a voice in your head that laughs at you when you’re not immediately good at something, learn to gently correct it. tell it you’re learning and you’ll never be any good at something if you don’t have the courage to just….start. somewhere, anywhere
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Make things, stop thinking about making things and just make things. Don’t make things that potentially will make a profit. Let yourself fail (which you probably aren't). Don’t even tell anyone you want to start, take the pressure off it. We aren’t all child prodigies. THATS OKAY! and GOOD! Stop thinking, start doing :)
Sep 6, 2024
it's okay to be bad at stuff!! don't let some video of an 8 year-old (insert skill here) prodigy make you feel inconsequential. make shitty music. draw like a little kindergartener who can't hold a pencil very well. fail at landing an ollie. it's better to start somewhere and be terrible at first (with room to improve) than never start at all.
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I have to disagree with the people who say that we need to “stay” and “fight“ for IG to be a better platform because in actuality, it’s our presence and engagement that gives them data, and therefore money. As long as they have those 2 things, they make their bottom line and won’t really care about its users desires unless they’re making a move for the optics. If we REALLY want to hold them accountable, we need to impact the money they make, which means permanently deleting or marking your account as inactive & never coming back. They’ll only care if they’re bleeding money— so make them bleed.
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As someone who has terrible object permanence and can NEVER remember the existence of something if I can't see it (this includes objects AND goals), it was quite literally the best way to keep awareness of my long term goals, even when life started falling apart and getting hectic. At the end of the year I always look at my vision board and realize that I genuinely fulfilled a good majority of the goals on there, and it's so sweet Always keep your eyes on the prize yall and always dare to dream !!!
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