Everyone disappoints me in ways unimaginable. Iā€™m honestly aghast and disturbed by the men I have encountered on these godforsaken apps. And the worst part of it all is that now Iā€™m spiraling about the concept of true love, family, and motherhood. What a wonderful way to end my work week. The moral of the story is listen to what everyone tells you: just stop using the apps. Itā€™s never going to work.
Feb 14, 2025

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While I did meet my partner via an app, Iā€™ve also lost countless hours to swiping and feeling discouraged and then encouraged (!) and then ghosted lol. Itā€™s grown harder for us to connect outside of apps, as weā€™ve grown accustomed to seeking connection that way, but I do think thereā€™s quality of connection over quantity when it comes to meeting people in real life, developing a genuine connection first, and then going ā€œOh, do I have feels for you?ā€ Versus just starting with a photo and having to make decision of Yes or No.
Feb 14, 2025
zenlikeme yes exactly. And of course the apps have worked for people and that is so rare but also beautiful too! Itā€™s one of those things that feels like a challenge you need to get through. Like ā€œhow long can I emotionally withstand meaningless conversations with strangers until one of them has meaning?ā€. I also think some people are built to not take the apps so seriously, but Iā€™m not that type of person. So Iā€™ve learned theyā€™re not for me.
Feb 14, 2025

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Wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m desperate, but Iā€™m actively interested in a relationship, trying to move on from a past too complicated and dark to describe on here, but I feel that having that bond with someone and making endlessly fun memories would be a huge benefit, as well as sharing a part of yourself with someone whoā€™s really special and deserving of it. I know Iā€™m not that bad-looking of a guy, but I havenā€™t really had much luck on the apps, tried to curtail my profile to be more appearing, whole nine yards. Itā€™s getting to be a bummer. Should I ditch the app and just let fate take its course?
Feb 16, 2025
Iā€™ll be candid here. I hate the dating app. I hate myself when I use the dating app. I hate the cutesy little prompts, I hate MARKETING myself. I hate the people on the dating apps, and I hate myself even more for hating these people, because theyā€™re probably good people just looking for connection just like me. ā€œJust like me.ā€ How disgusting. Just acknowledging that right there fills me up with this acid reflux bile that I canā€™t shake. The dating app is inherently antisocial. I donā€™t care that itā€™s the norm now, that doesnā€™t magically make it prosocial. You know what else is a norm right now? Mass insemination of cattle via automated semen guns shooting frozen seed into these poor cows that have never seen the light of day, that canā€™t begin to fathom the complex constructed around shooting frozen seed into their cow uteruses so they can give birth to calves that they will never nurse. Taking those calves & chaining them to the ground from the moment theyā€™re born so their meat is tender when they are turned into veal. 20 years ago the idea of meeting people on the internet was rightfully scorned as the pursuit of perverts & malcontents. The ā€matchā€ system, trying to offload the pain of rejection to this incredibly diffuse open market where you only get feedback if itā€™s positive. Itā€™s all so cowardly. Christ, theyre selling us an analgesic for our cowardice. And I donā€™t know, I think if youā€™re going to pursue someone, really go after them, you have to abandon your pride, your shame, and the things that turn you yellow. Yeah yeah you start talking and dating and then eventually you have to do the actually important and courageous thing and open yourself up to someone else or whatever. Donā€™t care, the set-up bothers me on a spiritual level. So anyway, I just got back on the apps this week. I really think itā€™s gonna go down different this time.
Feb 27, 2025
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In fact theyā€™re working against you, especially women of colour. 84% of Tinder users are men, Bumbleā€™s earnings have gone down hugely since its IPO (thereby further increasing their need to make a profit off subscriptions), Hinge is hiding hot people behind a paywall. People are sick of getting lovebombed and ghosted. But we donā€™t need themā€”thereā€™s more to life than appsā€”and people are beginning to seek connections in person again.
Jan 3, 2025

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Happy valentineā€™s day teheheā€¦.consider this my valentine to my little crushes in my phone ā™„
Feb 14, 2025
I donā€™t even care, I should probably delete instagram anyway but honestly itā€™s where I hoard my junk drawer of photos. Iā€™ve got an emotional attachment and a need for attention. Do I embarrass myself through posts, yes but I feel free in doing so.