my hunger for female approval and general vanity has prevented me from going down this route, but the appeal of being a perfect mysterious stranger does call to me occasionally. Kudos to all you anons
Feb 14, 2025

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hi anon!
Feb 14, 2025

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Working in Social Media absolutely destroys my desire to post anything on my personal accounts. I spend a lot of time lurking these days…
Apr 15, 2024
in the age of endless access to information, the unknown can quickly become known - though i think we've reached a point where balance is desperately needed. our brains are sensitive and absorbing information constantly whether we like it or not. i recently deleted social media from my phone and now only log on at the computer (love how many pi.fyi recs i've seen on this) - anyways i finally joined the club and see no going back. i don't want to know everything about everyone all the time and on top of that be plagued with intrusive ads (no matter how relevant they may or may not be). being present is crucial, and watching other people's lives on our phones whenever we want can definitely take one out of the present. if i were a true conspiracy theorist, i'd say it almost seems strategically designed to interrupt our normal train of thoughts and give everybody add and make us less thoughtful or make us stray from our true path. i think there's an art to boredom and liminal zones. if you're in a doctor's office waiting room or in a coffee shop waiting for your drink, i think its cool to just be nothing for a moment, limbo is a luxury and giving your consciousness and attention to something every second strips you of that temporary feeling... if we're homies and not seeing each other in person we can text about our lives. instagram stories have begun to creep me out, i don't like how normalized casual stalking has become. i feel like it makes everyone overly analytical and constantly thinking about social dynamics all the time, injecting way too many forms of micro-anxieties for everyone throughout the day - there's value in time spent alone with our thoughts and i feel like the status quo of social media and internet without boundaries at the moment is infringing on some timeless human functions. that said we need to connect and find out about things and discover each other and using platforms like pi.fyi and instagram allow us to do so, we just need to be mindful about how we go about it. i think it's okay to not know everything all the time, mystery creates intrigue and that's stimulating enough for me...
Jun 8, 2024
All pros, and no cons here. Stay mysterious, and launder your mild flirtation with a depressive episode as an act of steely self-control, abundant self-love, bohemian blasé, bourgeois industriousness, and/or independent self-confidence. Plus you don't have to feel bad about doing it. Social media apps can't suffer from psychic and emotional trauma. In fact, ghosting an app might act as a healthy form of release, and save you from ghosting an actual human.
Mar 22, 2024

Top Recs from @thehumancondition

In my internal monologue I instinctively refer to myself as We instead of Me, most often when I’m planning out my day or creating mental to-do lists. e.g. “We’re out of eggs, gotta add that to the grocery list”, “ We’re going to get out of work at 11 and then meet So-and-so and do such-and-such” I obviously do not do this out loud in conversation, but in my head I often default to We instead of Me. (I hope this is not foreshadowing a future schizophrenia)
I personally hate annotating or marking my books at all, even in high school when I was forced to highlight books in english class it felt sacrilegious. It was printed with the exact correct number of words, I do not need to add to it. But, i do love when i get a copy of something and someone has underlined their favorite passages or scribbled some notes in the margins. Feels like taking a peek into someone’s diary.