something ive found over the course of the past year and a half is that personal change is completely unnoticed until you look at yourself and compare how you were in the past compared to now. every moment we are changing and that is the beauty of life. every conversation, every thought, and every action we have in our world is contributing to a personal change in the self. its a simple thought, that change happens over time, but a thought that we as humans often dont want to consider. its a hard thing to be aware of. that a personal journey takes a lifetime. if we could make major improvements on ourselves in one night we all would, but unfortunutely change involves millions of small, mostly unnoticed, steps that contribute to a prosperous life, whatever that means to you. some steps are bigger than others, for example quitting unhealthy habits, or cutting toxic people out of your life as much as you can, but most of it is a combination of living life and seeing things through all of the lenses. this is at least what i have learned through the start of my life and how i see change. is it possible to see change? of course. is it likely that most change will go unnoticed and only realized far later? yes.