it's the BEST day of the year!! happy valentine's day!! the world is my valentine! it's all about pink and red and being in love with love and spreading your love of everything, platonic or romantic- HOW IS IT NOT THE BEST HOLIDAY EVER?! TELL ME
Feb 14, 2025

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Valentine's Day is coming up and even though I am single as shit and prob still not over my ex, can I just say??? I love this capitalistic ass holiday. The color selection?? The best!! Red and green got nothing on red and pink babe! Hearts, bunnies, kittens, lady bugs - give them to me!!!! It's giving cake, flirty little drinks, balloons, flowers ahhhhhhhhhhh take all my money girl ass holiday!!!! <3333
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i love february and the season of valentine’s day. the whole month is pink and red, heart shaped things, i love cards and valentines, the act of giving because you love someone, planning galentines day or anti-valentines plans, dinners with lovers, or doing absolutely nothing and hiding away from the crowds on the actual day. it doesn’t have to be a hallmark holiday. for a lover like me it’s a perfect time to soak in the feelings and the colors and the wanting of it all.
Jan 14, 2025
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Are people still weird about today if they’re single? I hope not; feels very 90s (in a bad way). I love my homies and I love being alive and I think it’s so cool we have a pink-and-red hued holiday in the dead of winter to feel all warm and fuzzy about. And let’s be honest: love is the best but couples are sooooo annoying.
Feb 14, 2025

Top Recs from @kitten

i looove looking at people‘s notebooks and journals all scribbled out and lived in. i like buy a million notebooks and always think i’ll use them but really they’re just empty and stacked up in my closet. like have you seen some of these bullet journals and how artistic the formatting and pretty pictures and writing are?? it’s so creative, i think it’s hard for me to get things out of my brain and to like convey them onto or into some sort of material. my friend has the most beautiful writing i’ve ever seen and puts all of her thoughts into a journal and she thinks it’s completely normal whereas i think it’s something absolutely fantastic! it’s not anything less than extraordinary to me, i admire it terribly. i don’t know if it’s my attention-deficit or my bp-2 but the follow through is the hardest part for me. i know there’s definitely some low-confidence and accountability involved on my end that get in the way but that executive dysfunction just does me in. thank goodness for my people pleasing ways, i rarely have issues doing things if it’s for others, i barely think twice, like no questions asked, i just genuinely want to make everyone happy. i’m also really bad at establishing my own boundaries lol. but anyway!! journals and pretty writing and formatting, i love them so much.𐐪𐑂✿
Jan 27, 2025
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it’s wet and hot and sometimes when the light shines through the window it creates mesmerizing ripples. i also have a disco ball planter in here that i definitely don’t hate. thank goodness there’s natural sunlight in this bathroom, i’ve lived in so many places without it and it feels almost like a luxury now✿ also there’s a shelf i rest my head back on that my cats like to lay on
Jan 27, 2025