10 years is such a feat! I gotta say, Apple still holds value more than most these days. My day job is in tech support, and I've seen lots of Macs and PCs over the years. There was a period from about 2017-2020 where the Mac laptops were just awful - they had the useless touch bar thing, and the low-profile keyboards broke constantly. After that, they did another redesign, and it seems like their stuff is high quality again. As for PCs, maybe there are some higher end ones people like, but I have seen way more issues with build quality and longevity in those (Dells, Lenovos, and Microsoft Surfaces). It seems like on average most PCs last around 5 years, and Macs get a solid 7 (or 10!) They're definitely more expensive, but when you factor in how long they last, it's pretty comparable.