Is it really a breakup if you aren’t singing
I bet on losing dogs
I know they’re losing
and I pay for my place by the ring
Where I’ll be looking in their eyes when they’re down
I wanna feeeeel it
At the top of your lungs?
mythic quest has a new season
dominic fike is releasing new music
i’m eating with people who like to eat
i work in an art studio
my classes are interesting
there’s heating in my dorm
the sun is shining
life is so ✨ rn
🪼sharing wired headphones
🪼ironing clothes for other people
🪼sharing food but specifically not at a table!
🪼oiling someone else’s/ having someone else oil your hair
🪼laying under a pile of warm laundry
and finally smtg that is weirdly intimate in a way i hate:
🪼sitting in a seat that’s warm from the previous occupant