I recently moved to milano and the last sunday of every month there is a massive street market in the canal district where you can buy and haggle for literally anything. this last time when I was there i came across this man who had hundreds of old photo magazines from the '60 - '90s all in italian. i was able to get 4 but i definitely want to go back and get even more. theyre covered in vintage ads from camera companies like nikon, canon, contax, leica, etc and cotain whole galleries of artists work.
I'm a photographer myself and having recently moved from Colorado to Milano it's been a huge change. On a lot of fronts its been challenging however, finding comfort in my passions like photography has always been a way for me to express myself. Moving from a very beautiful and incredible landscape rich environment to big endless, grungey international city has been an incredible shift. One of the biggest things that has changed is what I shoot now. In Colorado it was mostly landscapes, but now here I'm shooting a lot more slice of life and random scenes in the city and so much inspiration is coming from these old magazines. The galleries they contain are so rich with character and "new" ideas for me. They've been really cool to go through and I love that I found them so randomly from an old man that I haggled with for 3 minutes in my broken italian to get the price down to 2 euro per magazine. I'm coming back with 20 euros the next time the market is there and I am going straight for his stand to get more.