best experienced when you’re hungover. there’s no line! and then u get to have a cheeseburger for breakfast. and then you feel like you've accomplished something. i went this morning and i drove with the top down and blasted the mj lenderman live album
i feel bad for anyone who’s never had in n out
- double double protein style
- fries
- diet coke
had a doctors appointment and low bp soooo i wanted a treat. no animal fries i only get those after 8:30 pm. don’t ask. my teacher spent 10 minutes is class talking about how wet protein style and how he loves it...
10/10 besides the wet comment
i feel bad that that is what the west coast feels is superior and at first i thought it was just overhyped but i tried again and its just not good to me
i’ve done this platonically and romantically recently. and both seem to be working out. i love talking on the phone. we should all talk on the phone more often
i haven’t done this yet, but my dear friend meredith has been testing it out. it’s working for her. i’m always going on and on about how badly i want a pen pal, so i’ll approach someone with this soon and report back