started learning mandarin so tried to immerse myself listening to diff kinda music and found this amazing song it’s so beautiful tho no idea what is being said
i like someone beautiful for sure. and also smarter, someone that can teach or enlighten me on anything its soo attractive to me haha, i love the little beautiful intentional loving and caring details of someone its weird to explain lol
its crazy amazing on the internet when i see different people doing different things. im like woah there are other billion people doing whatever. i like comment sections because you’re literally conversing and sharing your thoughts and opinions on things with a random person or people from different parts of the world who you’ve never even met in real life or will never even meet lol. and just like that you can make friends or even enemies haha 😂 its fun. i don’t know how to explain that feeling but yeah 😂. i’ve met amazing and unamazing people on the internet i like it 💕
two days ago there was like a festival in uni celebrating my country’s independence day. fast forward it was 7pm @ night and i was in the bus and no one was beside me on the seat. then she came and sat right beside me. gathered courage and talked to her… told her ive always thought she was cool and all 😭🥺. finally made an attempt. (p.s. this been my crush for like 11 months now 💀😭)