such a fun and creative outlet :D!! bought this from an artist at a local fundraiser market yesterday..!
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Feb 17, 2025

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Related Recs

some of these ive mentioned in the past but - blythe dolls - pullip doll (wearing penguin suit—the suit basically disintegrated as soon as i unboxed it though) - hello kitty panini press - 176pc ello kit (similar to legos but aggressively girly and futuristic) - a ton of wardrobe essentials & many of my most treasured pieces!!
Feb 25, 2024
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i recommend getting a doll for yourself, there are so many to choose from all with such unique personalities and looks. you will feel really bonded to it quickly which is something that fascinates me. it will feel like a miniature you. playing dressup is so fun, there are many etsy sellers who make gorgeous custom clothing and accessories for specific types of dolls so you can fulfill your fashion dreams without having to necessarily wear these things yourself!! they are fun to carry around and take pictures of, the craftsmanship is so inspiring and they are fun to pose, they can be whatever you want them to be—cute, elegant, mischievous, funny, beautiful, etc. i have two factory blythes (i want to get a real one soon) and a mini pullip (i want to get a full sized one soon) and i love them sm!!!
Feb 13, 2024
The Etsy community is very friendly. Most Etsy creators will make things custom if you message them with reference images. Linda of FacciDesigns does the most intricate needle-felted animal sculptures. She made me a wedding cake topper with our cats. During the Midsommar campaign, I needed miniature flower garlands made for the Bear In A Cage toy. My Etsy-savvy colleague Gaby found Judy and Melissa who both specialize in dollhouse wreaths and floral arrangements. Together they made over 400 garlands by hand.
Nov 30, 2021

Top Recs from @vivaroni

i think people don’t utilize their local libraries enough when they’re such wonderful resources! one of my favorite things to stem from the library and library cards is the app “libby”! it’s an amazing way to get free books, audiobooks, and magazines digitally. completely free if you have a library card (which are also totally free!) go support your local library!
Dec 2, 2024
even though i’ve feel like i’ve been in the education system forever, each semester become a challenge in itself with new schedules, new classes, and entirely new curriculums to adapt to!! at several points it becomes so challenging, so being able to even finish the semester and be back home feels like a gargantuan relief! until the next semester :P
Dec 19, 2024