Creating things hasn’t always been my strong suite because I feel like everything needs to be perfect all the time. Big fan of junk journal for that reason- collaging with little trinkets and junk I collect is the most low stakes rewarding thing I’ve done in a while
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Feb 17, 2025

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there’s a short story written by Ray Bradbury called The Illustrated Man that centers around a man whose markings change to tell different, tragic stories. this isn’t exactly the point of that story, but i love the idea of having my chosen tattoos be on me and watch me grow/how they add to my story. maybe my snat (snail/cat) is sentient and loves me, too.
Feb 18, 2025
why does a genuine compliment or a random act of kindness hit so fucking hard. like I have a real cartoony cupid with an arrow type moment to every show of gentle and loving human interaction that I see it.
Feb 21, 2025
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My favorite thing in getting to know new people is finding out the things they enjoy that seem a bit out of character. I think it’s comforting and a bit sexy when not everything that they like has to be “cool” for them to really enjoy it. Being self-assured and knowing your worth is hot. After all, life is too short to try and shape yourself around a mould that doesn’t truly resonate with you. Just enjoy the things that bring you joy without caring if they are basic or lame to others. you can enjoy the band that everyone hates, enjoy the movies that people think are overrated, and wear the shirt that went out of style 5 years ago. true authenticity is a rare trait, always has been. It’s like striking gold when you find that inner peace to just be yourself, regardless of how cringy others find it. Find the peace to like what you like without shame.
Feb 20, 2025