i like it cause it helps me stay present and connect with others, with what theyā€™re going through. iā€™m always in on whatā€™s going on around the world and also have the chance to learn from amazing professionals. i do read horrible sad stuff everyday, and that affects my mental health a little bit. but for now, itā€™s a great job :)
Feb 19, 2025

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I honestly think itā€™s time to say ā€œfuck Instagramā€ and move on. Instead of trying to change a platform thatā€™s built on control and endless mind-numbing content, why not migrate to spaces that truly support your needs and help you form real connections? For me, itā€™s not about staying and ā€œfighting backā€ in an environment that just isnā€™t workingā€”itā€™s about choosing a community that aligns with my values and where i can genuinely grow. I deleted my instagram account a few months ago and it feels incredible. I think we all deserve better.
Feb 22, 2025
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hey! iā€™m baba, 25, born 9/9/1999 (a very satisfying date) in buenos aires, argentina (yessss messi) i study psychology, want to specialise in forensic psych, with a focus on lacanian theory. before this, i studied art history and curation, and before that, film editingā€”analog, specifically. i like moving through different things until they feel right. iā€™m also an artist. i used to do erotic art, but now iā€™m shifting directions. i love working with the body, and performance is something iā€™d like to explore soon. delving deeper into poetry lately. overall, at heart, i am a lover. introverted but deeply affectionate. i really give a shit about stuff. grew up in a family of pianists, so i play too. my current hobby is learning german. i work in communications at an environmental news agency, and soon iā€™ll start a job as a profesor, which is both exiting and mildly terrifying. i love my friends more than anything. my favorite color is pink. i love life, i love being alive!
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