like 95% of the people who talk shit about modern art don’t even know that nothing made after the 70s even falls into the CATEGORY of modern art! We’re not talking that banana-taped-to-a-wall shit. We’re talking an entire CENTURY of widely diverse and prolific art. If you hate modern art and wanna shit talk it as a whole and understand that you’re including futurism and dadaism and cubism and expressionism and IMPRESSIONISM (while u strut around with your MONET tote bag saying crap like NOW THIS IS THE REAL SHIT), then go right ahead! Nothing wrong with hating modern art but damn at least know what it IS! Like damn can we stop pretending it’s quirky to “only like the classics” already (many of your classics fucking ARE MODERN ART BITCH)! And don’t let me catch u praising shit like Manet, Degas, Renoir, Matisse, Cassatt, Hopper either, because bitch I have bad news for you