to think that humans have been doing rituals to celebrate their gratitude for certain things in life since forever and we as individuals each have our routines and little rituals we do, like the certain motions we go through in the morning, the way, rythm and order of steps we take while showering, ive always seen this like little rituals we do everyday as silly over evolved apes that inhabit this earth idk i just think it’s crazy, bring back big rituals, ceremonies and traditions to celebrate human emotion like we used to in the ancient times!
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Feb 19, 2025

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Making coffee is a bit like this for me, I don't do it everyday but whenever I make my little pot of instant coffee, I know whichever the outcome of the day is, I've had this special little thing made for me exactly as I like it and everything seems just that bit more magical for the rest of the day
Feb 21, 2025
I ain’t religious anymore but praying before a meal gives the whole ordeal a sanctified quality.. need to start doing this more often
Feb 19, 2025

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some evolutionary niche opened up around 300,000 years ago allowing a select group of primates to adapt larger brains in exchange for larger muscle mass and other such traits. it was an astounding success leading to that group of primates to become the most dominant species on the planet. but maybe it came with a price. a price larger than simply larger muscles or better smell. the brains became so advanced and computable that they were able to question their animalistic nature itself. the purpose of all life is that of a divine ring. the days pass in the same cycle as the seasons, such in the same cycle as the years. death and rebirth. that’s truly the meaning of life. to live, then die. in the primal sense of other living things, that’s simply the way of the world, there’s no need to question, as if the rest of the myriad creatures on earth have the capacity to question it. but our brains adapted past that. we developed a certain "post natural" mode of thought. somehow we pushed past the simple cycles of the universe. we have the innate drive of death and rebirth, looking to reproduce and spread. but we became to adept. we lost track of where to end. we fight wars over what we think is the meaning to it all. we harbour money and material wealth to spread influence over others. we created new meanings for ourselves. created goals and endings for when we’d be "complete". we conquered the world looking for one of those answers. those in power incessantly use their power to find their answer. those without try to keep up. we’ve searched and dug up every inch of the planet we were born on in search of our answer, and now, as we’ve desecrated our planet and realized our grand goal for an answer isn’t here, we’ve decided to look beyond our planet. maybe the next one will have our answer. and the next one. and the next one. and the next one. it’s always been the same cycle of desecration, disappointment, and moving on to the next one. the answer isn’t hidden among the stars, or under the ocean, or in the next country over, or in the harboring of trillions of dollars, or in the ultimate manifestation of power. it’s in the orginal cycle of death and rebirth. the experience of life granted to us through the seemingly divine gift of "consciousness". we are notably different from the myriad of earthly creatures, but not in a way that should matter. all that changed were some environmental conditions that allowed our primate ancestors to adapt larger brains. our purpose never shifted. our purpose on earth is to live and experience, then to die, allowing the circle to repeat. it’s no different from any other life form. 
Mar 3, 2025
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the real question is, why don’t you? you know what i find really interesting? archetypes. not quizzes. not tests. not what you put on your little tinder bio. who decided that a human could only be one of twelve things? a hero? a lover? a ruler? as if to be conscious, to be born, to think and therefore be is to somehow consist of one goal, one skill? does cogito ergo sum mean nothing to you people ?! i am alive. i breathe. i bleed, i vomit and i ache. baby i am real. and i am in love. i am an outlaw, i am to be liberated - i am an explorer, i am free. i am safe. i am pleasure, and i am comfort. do you take comfort in being only one thing? does it help you sleep at night, that you maybe don’t have to hold the weight of the world upon thy shoulders? if only you were just a lover, or a magician, if the sum of your parts only equated to one purpose and one theme then maybe maybe maybe just maybe you would feel sufficient. if you don’t feel gross, then mamas, i feel gross for you. you were born, and each morning you wake up encased in cells that divide and congeal and amalgamate. you are a body, and a face, a heart and eyes, and you are more than the love you feel or the liberty you crave. so just think, and just be. you are not an archetype, you are a person.
Feb 7, 2025
gotta do it. it’s maintenance for your soul
Jan 28, 2024

Top Recs from @papaschilosas

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hello guys, first post here, very excited and happy to see what interesting things i find here, today i wanted to share with you an egg sandwich i tend to make on the morning that it's insanely tiktok pilled and tiktok food recipe video type shit. i kinda hate what tiktok food recepies symbolice and what they can do to ethnic cusines and such, but also i am a super victim of that lol. anyways heres todays breakfast. might post the recipe to it later, maybe, idk, idk what can we talk about here or what we cant hehe lol #newgirl #smallgirlvsthebigcity #lol
Feb 18, 2025
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guys sincerity is the best in all senses of life, when ur abel to be fully sincere with urself, the people around yo, your emotions and such, life truly becomes simple. after beings sincere with my self, i was able to push myself out of my comfort zone, i got unconfortable, an feeling like that is what let me to learn new things about myself and the world in general. because how ive grown up, ive always forever since i can remember i had lived in a lie world where things never truly felt real, idk if its my frontal lobe developing or what, but ever since ive let my self be sincere with my emotions, and FEEL what I AM FEELING the world has been more full of wonder, and i feel able to become fascinated by anything. anyways, good night tri state area
Feb 20, 2025