I allow myself to move through ny life at breakneck speed in order to get to the next ā€œthingā€ā€” whether thats a job, life stage, relationship, goal, etc.. i have been doing this since I was 15. It wasnā€™t until this last summer/fall that I stopped to look around at the life I had built and fully feel everything! I enrolled in a grad program 2 years ago, at the encouragement of my partner, and this past fall I really started to see myself in this career. I feel energized by my work and research, I feel cared for by my department. I feel like a fulfilling career is awaiting me, yet I am taking the time to feel settled in my current service job and internship, careful not to rush past the mundanity and sweetness of my life now. I have everything ahead of me, truly what is my hurry?
Feb 19, 2025

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beautifully saidā€¦what is the hurry!! definitely relate to future-tripping and having blinders on all the time and youā€™re so right that itā€™s so so important to stop a look around and see what youā€™ve built <3
Feb 21, 2025

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i think settling into your life is a feeling that creeps up on you. as someone who struggles with being present, i need to constantly practise gratitude or even my dream life kinda passes me by. i think it's human nature to be constantly looking for the next best thing, but it takes a lot of awareness to realize you've already made it on so many facets. thinking about my younger self and the pride they'd feel looking at present me is grounding and brings me lots of perspective.
Feb 18, 2025
I recently decided to take a gap semester while approaching the finish line of my degree. I had a big ol cry about it, sat with it, told the people I loved and asked only for their support, and started carrying myself through. When it comes to the push and shove of change, look behind you and notice the ways in which the universe/ your intuition knew about the decision all along. For me, I saw that I held left a trail of clues of my better-knowingness. I originally was supposed to take this semester as part of an exchange program. I remember months ago, holding off to the last minute to apply to this university. Upon acceptance, I received emails about advice for students, my next steps, all of which I mostly ignored. Upon arriving to the UK, I didnā€™t participate in a lot of the international student sessions I signed up for. I arrived 2 weeks before classes, and spent time exploring, making art, travelling and not going to more than one information session. I didnā€™t get my student ID, sign up for the wifi, look over my classas in depth. Iā€™m a grade-A nerd, so the burnout was visible before I even processed it. Making this decision, to take time to make time, felt so incredibly right. the confidence in trusting that yeahā€¦ I needed thatā€¦ was reverberated in every conversation I had weeks forward. even my next steps, talking to advisors, shuffling paperwork, telling my professorsā€¦ none of it felt as hard as actually applying to this university. You know more than you think you do. focus on what youā€™ve been hinting at all along. Trust yourself, and the march will surely continue ā­ļøā­ļøā­ļø
Oct 23, 2024
whatever is holding you and feeding you creatively! I think we have such a different idea now of what careers can look like and weā€™re no longer held to the ā€œbe at one job for 40 yearsā€ mentality. Which is equally freeing and terrifying. But i think you keep feeding that part of yourself until it feels like you shouldnā€™t move on or feel thereā€™s more to explore in one area. I realize this isnā€™t an exact rec but im feeling this too and am finding that the reframe is helpful for the freefalling feeling.
Mar 11, 2024

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So tranquil so beautiful! Nothing quite like it!
Feb 25, 2025
I used to love it and I forgot about it for years until I went to my parents house where my mom was stocked up on ot. Every morning for breakfast I have a bowl of cottage cheese with a blended apple (think like fresh apple sauce) and cinnamon and go to town! Keeps me full most of the morning which is great because getting hungry right after breakfast when I am on the run is not fun
Jan 24, 2025