In an age where we ‘make’ so much stuff to live as content for entertainment I’ve been enjoying making purely for learning. An artist I want to learn about? I’ll make a video about it. An old film process I’m interested in? I’ll write a page or two on it. Learning through making has me much more engaged with the topic I’m interested in as well as allows me to create stuff without the burden of worrying if it’s good. It’s like adult homework. And you can do it about anything. Highly recommend.
recommendation image
Feb 19, 2025

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Sounds like an ad lol but I'm serious. It's like food for ur brain. We have an infinite capacity to learn so try to do something new once in a while. It feels good to spend time on something nourishing rather than wasting time scrolling or working I've been sorta trudging through life lately, picked my guitar up and learned a new song from one of my favorite musicians. It was hard and frustrating at times but in the end I went to bed smiling.
Jan 19, 2025
From the title i think we already have an idea about where this post will lead to right ? Learning as a hobby is the best thing ever, no matter what you learn (from the different type of stones to how to build a successful business) it will always interesting to bring it to the table while talking with your friends or even be able to break the ice with strangers. To be able to make it a two birds one stone hit, we could mainly focus on what could hell us “survive“ on a daily basis. For exemple : - Financial education: learning how to budget, what to prioritise, the 24h hour rule before buying something, is it a need or a want, etc … - History : deep dive in the different paths human history is an interesting thing and if you analyse it enough you could even find “tips” that helps you in your day to day life — Buddha : genuine peace and happiness in simple life — Gandhi : how to deal with conflicts by staying calm — Mandela : understanding is better than revenge — Fall of the Berlin wall : perseverance leads to transformation etc … - Cultures in different countries : learn from other countries ‘ culture just like Japan and how they have a punctuality culture / discipline and routine etc … - Learning a skill : for exemple cooking but make it more fun, why japan use rise ? What was its signification in their history/culture, its nutrition value, how to make at least 10 dishes with rise etc … - Fashion : yes we can learn a “survival“ skill from fashion just like why such piece was created and how, learning to fix your ripped pieces as a form of anti consumerism And much more to learn ... :)
Jan 13, 2025
I’ve learned almost everything I know from a book (checking out library books for my hobbies) but also YouTube and friends.books and friends are nice when I feel simply overwhelmed with how much information exists on the internet about how to do literally anyrhing YouTube can help you with sillypractical skills… learning how to unjam my lock, unclog my drains, etc etc For other skills, befriend older ppl or friends that “have their shit together” Most friends are happy to teach you something or even walk alongside you while you do taxes, apartment hunt, or cook a steak :) i love when my friends teach me stuff And b patient with yourself. You can’t know everything and you’re not gonna learn it all overnight. Take small steps and stay learnin 🫡

Top Recs from @liamgggg

Make everything as easy for future you as possible. This might sound silly but it’s all about harnessing current time and energy and distributing it to future you who will be tired/lazy. For example, I make breakfast the night before so that in the morning it’s not as hard to get up at regimented times and start my day. I signed up for a gym that I have to walk past to go to work so I have no excuse not to go in. I’ll block my calendar out weeks in advance so I know exactly when I should be doing personal work/not. Lowering the barrier was the only thing I found that helps me stay strict to the lifestyle I wanted. Otherwise it was way too easy for me to blow it all off.
Feb 18, 2025
It is about films after shooting on film stopped being the standard. And also 9/11.
Feb 11, 2025