Think about it: one of the first double digit integers, first repeating digit, so easy to write and fun to say. Sometimes when I count upwards from zero (just for fun) I pause at 11 and let the love fill my heart. Wow❤️
counting in sign language is so fun and some of the number signs are pretty unexpected!
some of my favorites include 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 21, 22, 33, 44
It’s like a nice warm hug and you can give yourself a whipped cream moustache and if you don’t have too much to do it’s a nice beverage choice to really set the day off fun! Even if you have a stressful and busy day ahead of you i think the hot chocolate is nice cause it can really help you downshift and start your day off with something that isn’t too serious. I just got my wisdom teeth taken out today im just fantasizing about food forgive me
ok I totally understand everyone might have their own chapstick preferences, and the act of choosing a chapstick can be deeply personal. All I’m saying is that I love how this chapstick feels I do not care how artificial it is I do not care if it’s ridden with gmos and red 40 and seed oils I truly love this chapstick in almost an intrinsic fashion. I imagine that I bear my love for this chapstick like a chalice through a throng of foes #araby