I was in a massive doom spiral today about how America is tunneling towards fascism and nearly sick to my stomach on a really crowded trolly when I heard a little boy say to his mom “oh I want to sit down.” I instantly said “here take my seat. I’ll switch places with you.” and I felt better. Like in a moment. Just do something kind. Everyone. (I mean also fight fascism and don’t comply with anything) but also be kind.
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Feb 20, 2025

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yes!! hold the door for someone!! help an old person with their groceries!! compliment a neighbor‘s jacket!! it’s all a beautiful thing!! đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°
Feb 20, 2025
This is a scientific fact, if you didn’t know. One of the best and lasting ways to feel better is to do five good deeds in one day.
Feb 20, 2025

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A therapist told me once that when I was despairing about the world (which is always) to do something small that can make a difference to someone else - she suggested buying a street newspaper, but I will also give money to someone who asks, tip my barista well, bring in my neighbor’s garbage cans, say thank you and mean it.
May 29, 2024
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There’s a park we frequent that has a 1.7 mile loop that’s sandwiched between a lake and a zoo. One of the features of the walking path is that at a certain point it passes by this mini train track that belongs to the zoo so you families and kids on field trips passing by all throughout the day. We’ve been coming to this park for a few years and it hit me today that we’ve been partaking in an almost scared tradition every time we see the train: waving. Without any hesitation, as the train passes, the kids on the train are ALWAYS waving at whoever is passing by. Runners, walkers, people with strollers, big groups, solo people — all being waved at by these children on a train. And you know what those people do? They wave back. Every single time. Doesn’t matter what they’re doing, they wave in response to the waves they’ve been given. And the kids smile. And the people smile. And kindness is spread through this simple act of waving your hand through the air. I waved the kids today. My daughter waved too, although I think she might have been swatting at a fly. But it was nice in that moment to see that it’s those small unspoken moments of kindness that connect us as humans. Objectively, the waving didn’t move the ‘good in the world’ needle forward at all. But subjectively I know it made some 5-year-olds day to have me wave back at them.
Apr 30, 2024
Let’s all try this radical thing called kindness, maybe it’ll improve someone else’s day - or even yours. It costs nothing and it’s free
Aug 13, 2024

Top Recs from @lyssdri

Yeah severance is the best tv show on right now and I will watch it and discuss the nuances and the shots and coloring and the writing!! like That’s art, that’s critiquing culture, that’s bringing something new to the table I will ALSO sit my ass down with wine and popcorn and watch the new love is blind episodes(and love island this summer!!!) because tv can also serve the purpose of shutting my brain O-F-F !!
Feb 15, 2025
You can always redownload it. If I keep opening Pinterest during work, just delete it for a while!! I can download it again. Also we all know I mean Twitter and that I can’t go on it bc it will depress me .
Nov 7, 2024
I like working out and when I leave a workout class and I feel sore and then I take an epsom salt bath and I get in bed and my body just feels like YEAH you USED ME TODAY YAY. I love that.
Feb 4, 2025