specifically i wanna see how events work BUT i do want to say the thing i do still adore about pi.fyi is that i can leave and come back and not feel the pressure to constantly perform and post like there is on instagram. it's there for your moment and won't make all of your moments about itself if it's not the site for you rn. like it's not trying to be addicting and become the sole focus of your life. need more of that.
Feb 20, 2025

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Feb 20, 2025
soft name's branden
Feb 20, 2025
brendanooooo i reccomend this interaction
Feb 20, 2025

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uninstalled pi for a while because i didnā€™t have the time to really Post the way i would like, and iā€™m glad i did - now that iā€™m back and have some spare time i can give all your takes and recs the attention they deserve, and i really like positively declaring ā€œiā€™m going to catch up on pi.fyi nowā€ instead of idly opening the app in between work bullshit. it makes engaging with the space much more fulfilling
Nov 30, 2024
iā€™m not sure what area youā€™re studying/working on, and which is the basis of your essay - also, as a newbie who isnā€™t well-versed on the culture here - i guess iā€™ll just say some random misc thoughts about my experience so far! there is something about this interface, i.e. the fonts, the emojis, the formatting, the colours, etc, thatā€™s all so incredibly nostalgic of early tech. it looks like an elevated version of the bare websites they had us build with html/css in ict class. it also feels like a more text- and community-based tumblr, another platform that i found a lot of comfort and joy being on. i donā€™t have the introspection or technical knowledge to pinpoint what exactly it is about PI, and similar platforms (like tumblr) that makes them safe and comforting/less stressful to use compared to others, so iā€™d be interested in seeing whether this is something your essay will touch on, or define! maybe itā€™s because itā€™s still new and with a smaller user base than Big SMā„¢ļø sites, but the culture here doesnā€™t seem to care about how many followers you have, or in getting the highest amount of engagement on everything you post! itā€˜s an even playing field where everyone iā€˜ve seen is just enthusiastic, helpful and thoughtful in their recs or general comments. a small detail, but i also like that specific ā€œlikeā€œ numbers arenā€™t displayed - it (maybe unintentionally?) removes a lot of subliminal pressure to up that figure! PI is a happy, unencumbered space that makes you feel like a (pre-)teen exploring early tech and social platforms again, except instead of it being a collection of people u know irl, itā€™s basically a bunch of friends from all over. and thatā€™s something thatā€™s been sorely missed, or perhaps even erased, from the cultures of other social media sites. thereā€™s so much individualism and criticism there, and when you donā€™t receive engagement, youā€™re basically talking to yourself bc the algorithm wonā€™t pick up your posts & have them show up for other people. thereā€™s always something so special and personal when social sites such as this are in their early days, when the people participating are still genuine in their pursuit on them. the people gravitating towards being here are probably looking for the same thing as well, so i hope for nothing more than for it to stay like this.
Apr 26, 2024
āš ļø
As pi.fyi gains popularity I notice more and more people using it like twitter/trying to hit an algorithm/ā€tweetdeckingā€ recs/memeing so incongruent to me because pi truly feels like a place of respite from all the aforementioned internet behavior. using it to identify and share small joys from your day, talk about things you want more of in your life, share about yourself, explore things youā€™re curious about ā€¦ I promise thatā€™s ā€œgood contentā€. šŸ«¶
Mar 7, 2024

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