sometimes you gotta talk shit to process but often I think we talk too much shit…. At the end of the day we’re all human beings who are trying the best with what they’ve got. if someone is annoying you/acting mean/unkind it’s most likely all connected to a larger system that did not set them up for success. Instead of shit talking the rude waiter, celebrity drama, your friends annoying partner— let’s break down systems that are holding us all back!!!! or the systems that are probably holding that person back! Let’s give grace to humans and question the larger systems that generate more trauma and disconnect! that’s how we generate more love and compassion and move things forward
some of my favorite systems to talk about are:
•industrialized food and food accessibility
•consumerism/overconsumption (and the connection to social media & celebrity culture)
•hustle culture
•politics/2 party system
•cars/walkable cities/big oil
•big dairy
plz comment ur fav system to break down / talk about with ur friends i love this stuff….