Oooooh everything is about class, because of course it is. (This book is brilliant).
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Feb 20, 2025

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Google Murray Bookchin
Feb 4, 2024
goes so incredibly hard. i‘m not finished with it yet, but it’s written in a very accessible way and every argument is logically laid out. i really enjoy reading stuff about mental health and anticapitalist critique so this is perfect. tbh reading about how mental illness is constructed as a concept was a really important part of my recovery. it’s always easier to think oh im this way because of the chemicals in my brain or because xyz event happened to me, but it was so affirming to me to read about how the way neoliberalism and capitalism in general makes us miserable lol (and what we can so about it!). and sure these things might seem a bit too radical at first but it’s actually all true imho
Mar 25, 2024
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I read the preface to the English Edition during my second year of college and proceeded to read the entire thing during the next years. It's quite dense, and goes into detail on a few historical and uses economy lingo that can be complicated to understand, a lot of paragraphs I had to read again and again. However, the most interesting aspect of the book is the dialogue between Marxist theory and Foucaut that the two authors are able to draw, alognside a psychoanalisys of the neoliberal subject. It's a book I usually always have on my table to go back to and reference. I highly recommend especially to people who are interested in Foucault.
Jan 14, 2025

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