The creative process can be extreme humbling. I’ve started reading the artists way because I’m hoping to find something. This is not exactly an ask but if you know any other books or have any recommendations along the same lines of anything that helped you along the way, feel free to share.
Thank you, bye x
the artist’s way is wonderful, i am doing it for the second time now 💗 other creative books on my tbr list are the creative act by rick rubin and syllabus by lynda barry!
I have no idea if this is similar. I have The Creative Act but haven't read it yet.
But this book, and all the others in the series, like Turning Pro, are fantastic for any writer, artist, creator, forward-living human.
Same energy as finding your therapist‘s therapist and thereby winning therapy but fr if an author or any artist changed your life find out who changed theirs! All creative work is an endless chain reaction of people speaking through other people! Follow the path backwards and keep the flame alive!