Moving my body (in any way):
This shit is awesome, after my surgery i was not allowed to move physically too much and it made me so miserable.
Educating myself instead of brainrotting:
Even though I still listen to each and every emergency intercom episode, I love nourishing my brain with random and interesting knowledge through watching documentaries or reading books. Most recent one being history about the black plague (yes the tiktok POVs made me dive deeper into it), different art styles used for shows, neuroscience and cinematography compostion and why we enjoy them.
My dear minoltax700:
love love love rrrrrrgurrr
Sad Folk music & arabic shoegaze:
its either this dreampop or hyperpop mgnaaa crrttaaa :O
Ballroom videos:
(im def not learning it in my room)
Taking new routes:
Stirring up the day by taking new paths and routes why tf nott (not dangerous ones tho)
Sylvanian bunnies:
Everytime my friend comes over I mention the bunnies and she get's so upset which I think is hilarious. Have loved and wanted them since a little child and saw them resurfacing again.
Finding creators I enjoy watching:
Lyas, emmaxwinder, sarahbahbah, Rue Yi, Orion carloto
Eye contact mid conversation:
Im terrible at this and I feel uncanny doing it, but I've realized how much the eyes say about the person standing infront me.