My favorite jazz album ive found this year. Altercat repressed it after ~50yrs of being out of print and i snagged a copy. It’s so so so good
The spoken word is in spanish but i can send you a translation if you would like 🙂
I found out about this album through a Reddit post of some person that made a Topster of blue albums. this one intrigued me the most because he looks like a typical 90's pop punk boy on the cover. after giving it a listen it has become one of my favorite albums and my comfort album. it's a mix of trip hop and rock. it's a rarity to me finding out about Spanish trip hop. still wish this guy was still alive to keep entertaining me
wonderful little jazz piece - beautiful guitar solo that glides into an addictive cacophony of percussion and vocals. peppy enough for a walk and pretty enough for some seated thought.
The best map projection for my money. Shows the continents (mostly) uninterrupted, doesn’t distort area or shape too badly, completely useless for navigation, looks beautiful. What’s your favorite map projection?