this year I’m working on detachment. this one facet of that though has recently taken the cake for me. i can’t ever remember not liking my brows. my natural color and the shape of them, in fact they’ve been my favorite thing about my face tbh. my roommate has been trying to get me to bleach my eyebrows and I finally had a burst of ‘yolo’ (lol) last night and said ‘you know what? Hell yea. do it, before I change my mind’ Did y'all know bleach fucking hurts?? Anyways. The outcome? Cunty Ass Alien. I keep going back n forth between loving them and hating them. Right now I love. But who knows how I’ll feel an hour from now. Either way, would highly recommend detachment from parts of your face that you feel secure about. I keep thinking if I still hate them by next week I’ll dye em back to black and if my eyebrow hairs fall out they’ll grow back and if they don’t I’ll find another part of my face to fall in love with and obsess about and figure it out.
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Feb 21, 2025

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