sunny days, cool breezes, my dog, eggs, tomatoes, almond mocha’s and the gift that is the never ending supply of media brought to you by people’s minds and creativity 🤲☀️🍅💻💌
- my cat greeting me at the door when i get home
- seeing/hearing my friends laugh
- being just the right amount of warm under a blanket
- hearing a song i really like for the first time
- the faint smell of smoke after i put a candle out
- watching fireflies at sunset in the summertime
- wearing a good pair of perfectly worn in jeans
- finding an album at the record store i didn’t think i’d be able to find
- the sun warming my back on a chilly day
- looking at light filter through the trees on a bright day
climbing trees
getting friends together for a field day
picnics in the sun
fresh berries
slow morning snugglin
when you think of someone at the same time they’re thinking of you
seeing a shooting star
finishing a song
exploring a new thrift store
singing and dancing and laughing
a morning bun and a flat white
swimming in the sea
the color red