it’s always so weird when your real life and thoughts in the day make it into your dreams
it’s like an alternative tv show of your life with your friends and family making appearances as different characters in different scenarios
just had part of a dream where the person i like was with someone and i was damn but now ive woken up i’m like yayyy
promotes positivity
pro tip, dreams don’t always make sense - so when weird/bad stuff happens, you can shrug it off and be like wow what a weird dream bro 🤷
there’s something so funny about seeing a friend before they notice you cause it’s like a look into what they’re like alone
seeing how they walk when they’re by themselves or their expression when they’re just going about or looking around
still on season 1 but it’s so good and entertaining
watching it cause it’s 90s and kind of mystery similar vibe to twin peaks since it was inspired by it so yas
been listening to songs from this album a lot and this is a current favourite along with medicine and speeding 72 cause they’re downloaded on my phone so been listening when i’m out and about