She talks about how she goes about writing songs. I've never written a song but she makes it sound fun.
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Feb 21, 2025

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A severely underrated legend and lyrical genius. She also is a visual artist and mother - so she can basically do it all and I find this very inspiring. Her storytelling is unmatched. My favorite album of hers is Alas I Cannot Swim (which I’ve linked), however she has quite a bit of really great music to check out. Her upcoming album, Patterns in Repeat, comes out in October.
Aug 18, 2024
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Art and music criticism and theory combined with her Personal meditations and reflections on love and heartbreak. While I was reading it I confess I found the personal part a bit grating but I still think about and reference it all the time so I think it’s worth the rec regardless. (I also rec everything by Olivia Laing she’s amazing)
Feb 21, 2025
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I can never talk enough about Mary Lattimore's music. She's such a genius, and her vision and artistry is everything. She's been the soundtrack to my life since around 2015. I remember discovering her when I was on holiday in Rome and it was just so fitting. I've been returning to her music every now and again, and I’m always surprised with how she can make me feel so in touch with my humanity.  Recently, I've been listening to her  2016 album, Music Inspired, by Philip Garrel’s La Révélateur and it's just haunting. 
Apr 26, 2024

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I think reducing or eliminating our use of these huge megacorp platforms is ultimately the best way to fight back. I don’t think we can fix a platform in which the addictiveness and brain rot element is foundational to its success. Even the “good” stuff is designed to keep us in its endless loop.
Feb 22, 2025
it's free and 100% human, I recommend NTS Radio, which is web-based and has a huge archive of recorded shows in many genres and topics. Bandcamp and Soundcloud also have playlists that feel more carefully curated than Spotify's I think. oh and college radios are a great place for discovering new music too. There's a site called that let's you tune into different ones across the US :) disclaimer: i work for a radio station
Feb 25, 2025