i neeeed to have a smashed up iphone 7 in my hand right now!!!! there is nothing like it. the sun felt brighter, the air felt cleaner, i didn't know good music yet, i didn't know good movies yet, my brain was just empty. no opinions on anything, all i did was look at screen, cry, sleep, and eat. now i have to do stupid things like work at h&m and be angry at the world. i wanna go on musically and watch jason derulo dance in 2x speed and look like an animatronic. i want to watch the fosters with my mom and be so young and stupid i don't understand what the big deal about callie and brandon is. i wanna be amused by hour long wisdom teeth videos. i want to make friends with random people online that i won't even remember a year later. i want to tell my mom my stomach hurts and i need to stay home from school 4/5 days of the week! give it back!!!!