he was trying on a pair of tennis shoes.
he had barely tied the laces when he saw me, a bible salesman of 22.
i had experience in selling the Good Word
but i hadn’t opened up the book.
he leaned over to my bag
and smiled as he looked.
“i said some crazy things, you know…
even though it’s still all true.
i wanted conversation,
just to talk,
just to see,
just to be.
i wanted conversation cause i really wanted you.”
taken back, i stumbled.
i had never met this man.
but his eyes were deep and kind
like he’d known me beforehand.
“could you spot me for a dollar?”
he said, wiggling his toes.
i pulled out my leather wallet, flipped it open under my nose.
the green was crisp and fresh
but i hid it from his view
“i haven’t got one, my dear man”
he looked at it, then me, then YOU.
“i know you aren’t lying,
but what you say just isn’t true.
you haven’t got a care, a soul, or a good attitude.
i have need and you have plenty.
but you just won’t spare a few?
but it’s no big problem anyway,
i know your point of view.
i lived it and i’ve loved it
and i’ve lead it straight to you.
but i hope that i can leave it
without leaving you.”
he skipped away with his new find
to an aisle out of view.
i set my bible down
because it became too heavy.